
The art publisher Edition Patrick Frey’s annual catalog is printed on sheets of waste paper by the Italian printers Musumeci. The catalog is a contemporary document of the ongoing ‘paper crisis’: more and more paper mills are closing;
the range of papers produced, and the quantities in which these are available, are continually getting smaller. The catalog also sheds light on the array of titles that a medium-sized European printer needs to produce in order to
sustain its business at this particular moment in time.

Marithé + François Girbaud REMAKES
by Ursina Gysi and Lisa Schachter, shot by Marc Asekhame. Published in Modern Matter SS19.
by Ursina Gysi and Lisa Schachter, shot by Marc Asekhame. Published in Modern Matter SS19.

‘On closer scrutiny the re-appropriated furniture catches the eye, reflecting the organic growth of a part of the city’s history. Breuer-esque steel-tube swivel chairs has been shored up with ornamented vertical struts, the little
backrest replaced with a parking sign soldered onto the back of the chair. These pictures expose the furniture’s narrative layers, forming a backdrop upon which is drawn postcolonial history, modernity’s empty promises, and the
distribution and re-appropriation of cultural fragments in an increasingly intertwined world. They are double exposures – not in the technical sense of the phrase, but in the sense of what inevitably emerges when conceptions are
projected onto a place that was always more about will and representation.’ (Excerpt, ‘Concrete Dreams’)

Experiments in Color

The art publisher Edition Patrick Frey’s annual catalog is printed on sheets of waste paper by the Italian printers Musumeci. The catalog is a contemporary document of the ongoing ‘paper crisis’: more and more paper mills are
closing; the range of papers produced, and the quantities in which these are available, are continually getting smaller. The catalog also sheds light on the array of titles that a medium-sized European printer needs to produce
in order to sustain its business at this particular moment in time.

Marithé + François Girbaud REMAKES
by Ursina Gysi and Lisa Schachter, shot by Marc Asekhame. Published in
Modern Matter SS19.

‘On closer scrutiny the re-appropriated furniture catches the eye, reflecting the organic growth of a part of the city’s history. Breuer-esque steel-tube swivel chairs has been shored up with ornamented vertical struts, the little
backrest replaced with a parking sign soldered onto the back of the chair. These pictures expose the furniture’s narrative layers, forming a backdrop upon which is drawn postcolonial history, modernity’s empty promises, and the
distribution and re-appropriation of cultural fragments in an increasingly intertwined world. They are double exposures – not in the technical sense of the phrase, but in the sense of what inevitably emerges when conceptions are
projected onto a place that was always more about will and representation.’ (Excerpt, ‘Concrete Dreams’)

THE WASTE PAPER PROJECT was founded in 2018 amid growing concerns about the ecological efficiency of today’s printing, publishing and fashion industries. WPP collaborates with producers, institutions, and companies to envision the potential of local waste materials, and to directly re-use and upcycle waste and dead stock.
WPP aims to create something new by reflecting circular phenomena through interaction and experimentation with production and supply chain processes.
WPP is also an online publishing platform, featuring WPP’s own circular projects, and well as those of clients, partners and friends.